Conquering the C2K: A Wild Ride for a Worthy Cause

We’re off and racing, in just a few days, we'll be embarking on the ultimate cycling challenge in Australia—the C2K ride. The C2K ride is not for the faint of heart. It's an epic 780km journey that spans five Shires, stretching from the eastern to the western base of Cape York. This legendary ride has stood the test of time for an incredible 25 years. As avid adventurers and cycling enthusiasts, we couldn't resist the allure of this monumental event.

But there's more to our participation in the C2K than just seeking a thrilling challenge. We're also using this opportunity to raise money for a fantastic cause. Cardzilla has always been committed to giving back to the community, and this ride provides the perfect platform to make a positive impact. If you would like to donate to a great cause and give back to the community, you can here!

However, it wouldn't be entirely honest if we didn't admit to some pre-ride jitters. We can't help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves as we anticipate the gruelling physical and mental demands of this epic journey. You see, we're not entirely sure if our preparation has been up to par. Time constraints and a few unexpected hurdles have left us feeling slightly underprepared. But hey, that's part of the adventure, right?

With that being said, we're hoping the wind gods are on our side. A little tailwind would go a long way in helping us conquer those endless stretches of open roads.

As we pedal through this extraordinary landscape, we'll be absorbing the breathtaking beauty of Cape York and experiencing its diverse terrain firsthand. Our goal is to raise funds that will make a real difference in the lives of those in need. The support and generosity we've received thus far has been overwhelming, and we're truly grateful to each and every person who has contributed to this worthy cause. Together, we can create a lasting impact and bring about positive change in our community.

So, here's to the unknown, the adrenaline-fueled moments, and the shared sense of camaraderie that this epic adventure will bring. We're ready to embrace the challenges that lie ahead, knowing that with every push of the pedal, we're making a difference.

Thank you for joining us on this thrilling ride!

Steve and Andrew